Nerf Universal Chat

Sunday, 17 June 2012

My 4B: A full review

Lo all, it's TheRoboteer. Now, as you may know. My 4B has been seen and mentioned in MANY videos. But I've never done a full review of it. This review will not be posted up on YouTube so it's exclusive to NerfUniversal. Anyway, let's get onto it.

 A full shot of the blaster and the barrel
 The front. The cut is reasonably clean but you can see that I messed up in some places
 Internals. They are largely untouched apart from the coupler and the plugged pump.I used the lego wheel style coupler for this one as the air pressure was so high that it blew the barrel out of the brass coupler!
Exploded view 
You can also see here that I have padded the pump handle so I can use it as a stock.
I hope you've enjoyed this post. Sorry for not posting more often. This is TheRoboteer, signing off

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