Nerf Universal Chat

Friday, 29 June 2012


Hey guys BBV here and this is the second post of Where to buy stuff in the UK. Firstly I have a few things to say. 1. This should have been posted on Thursday, Its friday now ( GMT +00:00 ) 2. I'm getting a BBUMB 3. I'm hosting a war (WSNO) and 4.MMU9 is attending , Also i'll get a post up about WSNO soon.
So here we go
Dart Smithing.
I currently own some 13mm FBR and Fishing Weights , The FBR i got from Amazon here and the fishing weights I got from my local fishing shop.
As Americans would say ,' I use Home Depot FBR with 2 Copper BB's and Hot Glue Domes  , or ' Well I use 3/0 MHA foam  Slugs' or what ever combination, Well United Kingdom , Embrace The Suck , We don't get everything that the USA gets. We get decent foam and okay fishing weights , I use 1.5'' Glue Domes w/ 0.4g weights , as they fit nicely and weight them well, but as some of you might not know , I'm moving back to England and I'm going to have a very , very big variety of shops to browse. I currently do not know of any shops that supply FBR or Weights or Washers or Felt Pads YET.. So when i move back I will have a big look as I want to introduce a Slug/Dome regime in the UK , if I can find Slug Material I hope to Enforce Slug only wars in the UK as Hot glue domes can be made very incorrectly and can be dangerous.
But long story short , If you want to find the right diameter FBR its either 13mm or 1/2''.
So I'll report back after my move. Also today I finished school for the summer , so roll on the Sun Screen and break out your screw drivers as its Mod time
BBV out


  1. You didn't publish your war post

  2. I did but then took it down as i couldnt have a war where i wanted
