Nerf Universal Chat

Thursday, 21 June 2012

game mode (name being thought of)

Hey guys hunter the nerf assasin here.
Today im really bored so i decided to make a nerf game mode,
This game mode has 6 classes

1:assasin (weapons:nerf melee weapon,nerf pistol,nerf (anyslamfire blaster)
2:heavy (weapons: fully automatic blaster,semi automatic blaster)
3:spartan (weapons:nerf longshot(noscope)nerf pistol)
4:scout(weapons:double barrel shotguns or dual wielding rayvens nerf nite finder)
5:berserker(weapons: large melee weapon and shield)
6:soldier(weapons:any weapon melee weapons)
the rules

all players have 10 hit points

if your hit points turn to 0
your dead and you have to sit out of the game until the next round

there is also a capture the flag game mode
in this mode its all about getting the flag
deaths are not counted
there are 3 flags on each team
all players must grab all three flags and put them in their base
the teams are red and blue
but it changes if you are in a nerf group.
if you die during the game in capture the flag you have to respawn at your spawn point
the time limit for both game modes are 10 minutes

anyway guys more classes are coming out soon seeya
hunter the nerf assasin AWAY!!!!
also one thing

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